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Hyundai Getz>> Electric equipment>> Starter
The structure of system of electrostart-up of the engine includes the storage battery, a starter, the traction relay, the ignition switch, the switch of blocking of a starter (only on cars from AKP), connecting wires and wires of the storage battery.
At ignition key turn in the provision of start-up of the engine the current of the storage battery moves in a winding of the traction relay of a starter. Thus there is a shift of an anchor of the traction relay and the lever of a drive of the coupling of a free wheeling, the gear wheel of a drive enters into gearing with a gear wreath of a flywheel. Contacts become isolated and the starter electric motor turns on.
Existence of the coupling of a free wheeling protects a winding and an anchor collector from a rating.

Gap adjustment between an end face of a gear wheel of a drive and an emphasis

Fig. 7.16. The scheme of connection of the storage battery at gap adjustment between an end face of a gear wheel of a drive and an emphasis: 1–switch; 2–wire of a winding of excitement; 3– starter

The scheme of connection of the storage battery at gap adjustment between an end face of a gear wheel of a drive and an emphasis is shown on fig. 7.16 .
Disconnect a wire of a winding of excitement from a conclusion of "M" of the traction relay.
Attach the 12-volt storage battery to «S» and "M" conclusions.
The gear wheel of a drive should move to the provision of gearing.

Not to allow a winding peregoraniye, inspect as soon as possible (during no more than 10 c).

With the help щупа check a gap between an end face of a gear wheel of a drive and an emphasis.

Fig. 7.17. A gap between an end face of a gear wheel of a drive and an emphasis: 1–emphasis; 2–a gap between an end face of a gear wheel of a drive and an emphasis; 3–drive gear wheel

The gap between an end face of a gear wheel of a drive and an emphasis should make 0,5–2,0 mm (fig. 7.17) .
If axial люфт a shaft of an anchor does not keep within the specified limits, adjust it by installation or removal of adjusting laying between the traction relay and a cover from a drive.

Check of a technical condition of a starter 
Check of an involving winding of the traction relay

Fig. 7.18. The scheme of connection of the storage battery at check of an involving winding of the traction relay of a starter: 1–storage battery; 2–starter

The scheme of connection of the storage battery at check of an involving winding of the traction relay of a starter is shown on fig. 7.18 .
Disconnect a wire of a winding of excitement from a conclusion of "M" of the traction relay.
Attach the 12-volt battery to «S» and "M" conclusions.

Not to allow a winding peregoraniye, carry out check as soon as possible (during no more than 10 c).

If the gear wheel of a drive is displaced in the provision of the gearing, the involving winding of the relay is serviceable. If it does not occur, replace the traction relay.
Check of a holding winding of the traction relay

Fig. 7.19. The scheme of connection of the storage battery at check of a holding winding of the traction relay of a starter: 1– storage battery; 2– starter; 3– wire of a winding of excitement

The scheme of connection of the storage battery at check of a holding winding of the traction relay of a starter is shown on fig. 7.19 .
Disconnect a wire of a winding of excitement from a conclusion of "M" of the traction relay.
Attach the 12-volt battery to a conclusion of "S" and "weight".

Not to allow a winding peregoraniye, inspect as soon as possible (during no more than 10 c).

If the gear wheel of a drive is put forward in the provision of gearing, the relay is serviceable. If the gear wheel repeatedly is put forward and comes back to a starting position, means, there was a break in a holding winding. Replace the traction relay.
Check in an idling mode

Fig. 7.20. The scheme of connection of the storage battery at starter check in an idling mode: 1–starter; 2–coal rheostat; 3–ampermeter; 4–voltmeter; 5–storage battery

The scheme of connection of the storage battery at starter check in a mode of idling is shown on fig. 7.20 .
Clamp a starter in a vice with sponges from a soft material and attach completely charged 12-volt storage battery to a starter, as is shown in drawing.
Attach the control ampermeter (with a scale on 100 And) and a coal rheostat.
Attach the voltmeter (with a scale on 15 In) parallel to a starter.
Establish a coal rheostat in the provision of switching off.
Attach a wire from the negative plug of the storage battery to the starter case.
Rheostat establish on the voltmeter tension of 11 Century.
Include a starter and check compliance of the maximum consumed current to norm, and also smoothness and ease of rotation of an anchor of a starter.
Force of a consumed current should make no more than 90 And, frequency of rotation of an anchor — not less than 2800 mines -1 .
Check of an otpuskaniye of the traction relay

Fig. 7.21. The scheme of connection of the storage battery at check of an otpuskaniye of the traction relay of a starter: 1– storage battery; 2– starter; 3– wire of a winding of excitement

The scheme of connection of the storage battery at check of an otpuskaniye of the traction relay of a starter is shown on fig. 7.21 .
Disconnect a wire of a winding of excitement from a conclusion of "M" of the traction relay.
Attach the 12-volt battery to a conclusion of "M" and "weight".

Not to allow a winding peregoraniye, inspect as soon as possible (during no more than 10 c).

Put forward and move a drive gear wheel. If the gear wheel quickly comes back to a starting position, the traction relay is serviceable. Otherwise replace the traction relay.

Removal and starter installation

Fig. 7.22. Starter: 1–screw; 2–a cover from a drive; 3–lock ring; 4–persistent ring; 5–coupling of a free wheeling; 6–crown gear wheel; 7–solar gear wheel; 8–traction relay; 9–satellites; 10-ball; 11-holder; 12-stator; 13-anchor; 14-shchetkoderzhatel; 15- a cover from a collector; 16-coupling bolt

Fig. 7.23. Starter fastening to a coupling case

The starter is shown on fig. 7.22 . Starter fastening to a case of coupling is shown on fig. 7.23 .
Disconnect a wire from the "minus" plug of the storage battery.
Disconnect from a transmission a flexible shaft of a drive of a speedometer and a cable of a drive of gear shifting.
Disconnect from a starter a block of wires and a wire tip.
Remove a starter, having unscrewed two screws of its fastening.
Installation is carried out as it should be, the return to removal.

Check of a technical condition
Collector check

Fig. 7.24. Check of palpation of a collector in prisms

Establish an anchor in two prisms and by means of the strelochny indicator check collector palpation (fig. 7.24) .
Nominal palpation of a collector of 0,05 mm.
Maximum permissible palpation of a collector of 0,1 mm.

Fig. 7.25. Check of wear of a collector

Check diameter of a collector (fig. 7.25) .
Nominal diameter of a collector of 29,4 mm.
Maximum permissible diameter of a collector of 28,4 mm.

Fig. 7.26. Check of depth of grooves between collector plates: 1–collector plate; 2–depth of a groove

Check depth of grooves between collector plates (fig. 7.26) .
Nominal depth of grooves between plates of a collector of 0,5 mm.
Maximum permissible depth of grooves between plates of a collector of 0,2 mm.

Check of a shchetkoderzhatel

Fig. 7.27. Check of a shchetkoderzhatel on short circuit

Check absence of short circuit between a basic plate and a shchetkoderzhatel (fig. 7.27) .

Check of the coupling of a free wheeling
Holding a hand the case of the coupling of a free wheeling, rotate a drive gear wheel. The gear wheel should rotate smoothly in one party and should not rotate to the opposite side.
If the coupling works incorrectly, replace it.
Check a drive gear wheel on existence of wear or задиров on teeths. In the presence of wear or задиров replace the coupling of a free wheeling assembled. At damage of a gear wheel of a drive check also gear wreath of a flywheel on existence of wear or задиров on teeths.

Check of plugs of covers from a drive and a collector
Check plugs on existence of wear or задиров on friction surfaces. At their detection replace a cover from a drive or a collector.

Cleaning of details of a starter
Do not wash out a detail immersion in solvent as it will lead to damage of a winding of a stator, the traction relay and/or an anchor. These details should be cleared only rubbing by a fabric.
Do not immerse in solvent a starter drive. Solvent will wash away the greasing put in the coupling of a free wheeling at assembly.
Clear a drive a brush moistened with solvent, with the subsequent rubbing by a fabric.

Replacement of brushes and springs of brushes
Replace worn-out or greasy brushes.
At replacement of a brush of a winding of excitement break a worn-out brush nippers, trying not to damage a brush wire.
Smooth out the end of a wire of a brush a skin for providing the reliable soldering.
Insert a brush wire into an opening of a new brush and solder it. Track that the wire did not act and on a surface of a brush there was no surplus of solder.
At replacement of a "minus" brush take out a brush from a shchetkoderzhatel, having wrung out holding spring.