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Hyundai Getz>> Engine>> Removal and installation of the power unit
The power unit consists of the engine, coupling and a transmission. Remove it by means of the hydrolift or a waist, lowering from an engine compartment on the cart. Thus tips of shaft of drives of forward wheels are disconnected from the power unit and remain on the car.

Removal of the power unit: methods and safety measures
If the decision on engine removal for carrying out major maintenance is made or
repair of the main knots, it is necessary to hold certain preparatory events.
It is extremely important to define a place where works will be performed. Undoubtedly, the best place for this purpose – a workshop. It is very important to have the equipped working platform, and also a place for car storage. If neither a workshop, nor the garage is not present, the equal smooth concrete or asphalt platform is required.
Washing of a motor compartment and the engine before removal will allow to keep the tool clean and a constant working condition.
Also will be necessary the lift or a telfer. Be convinced that these devices have a stock on loading capacity and are capable to lift the engine with all hinged units. Observance of security measures plays a paramount role, as engine lifting from the car – potentially dangerous operation.
If works on removal of the engine are carried out by the inexperienced person, the assistant is necessary. Consult and ask the help for those who has experience of performance of such works. There are many modes of work on engine lifting from a motor compartment which exclude their performance alone.
In advance plan the actions. Get all necessary tools and the equipment before beginning works.
To some adaptations providing safety at removal and installation of the engine, and also decrease in labor costs, belong (besides the lift) the strong supports, a full set of keys and opravka, wooden blocks, rags and solvent for cleaning of inevitable pools from the spilled operational liquids. If it is supposed to hire the lift, agree about it in advance and perform all works at which this mechanism is not required. It will allow to save money and time.
Keep in mind that, probably, long time you cannot use the car. For performance of some works inaccessible in "house" conditions (in the absence of the special equipment), it is necessary to address to services of service station or a specialized workshop. These enterprises work according to the plan, therefore it is expedient to consult there before engine removal precisely to estimate costs of time of repair and restoration of details.
At removal of the engine be always very attentive. Rash actions and haste can become the reason of serious traumas. In advance consider the actions. Do not feel sorry on it for time for the main thing is a work without traumas.

Cars with engines in working volume of 1,1 and 1,3 l 
Removal and installation of the power unit

At removal of the power unit watch the correct installation of jacks and supports, and also behind the correct stropovka of the engine.

Take measures for prevention of a skatyvaniye and car falling from supports during works under the car.

Open a cowl, disconnect wires from the storage battery and remove it.
Remove levers of a cleaner of a windscreen together with brushes.
Uncover an air inlet of system of ventilation of salon of the car.
Remove the screen wiper electric motor assembled with drafts.
Remove the bottom protective casing.
Separate electric sockets of a plait of wires of an electronic control system of the engine and the electric socket of lamps of light of a backing.
On cars with a mechanical five-speed transmission remove the working cylinder of a hydraulic actuator of coupling.
Separate electric sockets of the sensor of concentration of oxygen and the sensor of a control lamp of pressure of oil.
Separate electric sockets of the back sensor of concentration of oxygen and the ignition coil.
Separate electric sockets of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid and the VMT sensor of the piston of the first cylinder.
Disconnect from the engine of a crossing point (tire) of connection with "mass" of a body.
Disconnect a hose of selection of depression from the union on the case of the vacuum amplifier of brakes.
Disconnect from the engine bringing and drain топливопроводы power supply systems.
Disconnect from the engine hoses of system of ventilation of a case.

Before a detachment топливопроводов previously dump pressure in an engine power supply system.

Merge liquid from cooling system.
Disconnect hoses from a cooler of oil of an automatic transmission (if on the car the automatic transmission) (only on cars with engines in working volume of 1,3 l is established).

Before a detachment of hoses put on them labels not to mix them in places at installation.
Watch that from disconnected hoses liquids and oil did not pour out. Muffle openings for protection against pollution.

Disconnect from the engine bringing and taking-away hoses of a radiator, then remove a radiator assembled with hoses.
Disconnect from the engine hoses of a heater of salon (bringing and taking away).
Disconnect from the engine a cable of management of a butterfly valve.
On cars with a mechanical transmission disconnect a cable of a drive of gear shifting.
On cars with an automatic transmission disconnect a cable of a drive of management from a transmission (only on cars with engines in working volume of 1,3 l).
Disconnect from a transmission a flexible shaft of a drive of a speedometer.
Unscrew bolts of fastening of the compressor of the conditioner and remove it from a fastening arm.
Remove a dustproof cover of the steering mechanism, unscrew a bolt of klemmovy connection of a shaft of a steering and remove the steering mechanism.

Previously put labels of mutual provision of klemmovy connection and a gear wheel of a drive of the steering mechanism.

Lift the car a jack and remove a wheel.
Disconnect the brake mechanism from a rotary fist and suspend it on a wire hook to a suspension bracket rack.
Having unscrewed fastening bolts, disconnect a suspension bracket rack from a rotary fist.
Remove from a rotary fist the sensor of frequency of rotation of a wheel (in the presence of anti-blocking system of brakes).
Disconnect a reception pipe of exhaust silencers from a final collector.

For the period of work suspend a reception pipe of exhaust silencers on a hook from a strong wire to a body.

Suspend the engine on chains or cables.
By means of a waist raise the power unit (on the height, allowing to execute further operations) a little.
Unscrew bolts of fastening of an arm of a suspension bracket to the engine.
Slowly lift the power unit (to unload suspension bracket arms) and temporarily leave it in this situation.

Previously be convinced that all cables, hoses, wires, electric sockets are disconnected from the engine etc.

Remove the caps located on right podkrylka, and unscrew bolts of fastening of an arm of a suspension bracket of a transmission.
Unscrew bolts and nuts of fastening of a cross-piece.
Take out the power unit from a motor compartment, having inclined it a transmission down.
Installation of the power unit carry out as it should be, the return to removal.
After accession of a drive of a butterfly valve adjust it as it is described in the subsection "Power supply system".

Cars with engines in working volume of 1,5 and 1,6 l 
Removal of the power unit

At removal of the power unit watch the correct installation of jacks and supports, and also behind the correct stropovka of the engine.

Take measures for prevention of a skatyvaniye and car falling from supports during works under the car.

Open a cowl, disconnect wires from the storage battery and remove it.
Remove levers of a cleaner of a windscreen together with brushes.
Uncover an air inlet of system of ventilation of salon of the car.
Remove the screen wiper electric motor assembled with drafts.
Remove the bottom protective casing.
Separate electric sockets of a plait of wires of an electronic control system of the engine.
Disconnect the electric socket of the generator and the sensor of pressure of oil in system of greasing of the engine.
Disconnect a hose of selection of depression from the union on the case of the vacuum amplifier of brakes.
Disconnect from the engine bringing and drain топливопроводы power supply systems.
Disconnect from the engine hoses of system of ventilation of a case.
Disconnect hoses from a cooler of oil of an automatic transmission (if on the car the automatic transmission is established).

Before a detachment of hoses put on them labels not to mix them in places at installation.
Watch that from disconnected hoses liquids and oil did not pour out. Muffle openings for protection against pollution.

Merge liquid from cooling system.
Disconnect from the engine bringing and taking-away hoses of a radiator, then remove a radiator assembled with hoses.
Disconnect from the engine of a crossing point (tire) of connection with "mass" of a body.
Disconnect from the engine hoses of a heater of salon (bringing and taking away).
Disconnect from the engine a cable of management of a butterfly valve.
On cars with an automatic transmission disconnect a cable of a drive of management from a transmission.
Separate the electric socket of the switch and the electromagnetic valve of interruption of supply of fuel.
Unscrew bolts of fastening of the compressor of the conditioner and remove it from a fastening arm.
Lift the car.
Disconnect a reception pipe of exhaust silencers from a final collector.

For the period of work suspend a reception pipe of exhaust silencers on a hook from a strong wire to a body.

Disconnect a rotary fist from a rack of a forward suspension bracket.
Disconnect the brake mechanism from a rotary fist and suspend it on a wire hook to a suspension bracket rack.
Remove from a rotary fist the sensor of frequency of rotation of a wheel (in the presence of anti-blocking system of brakes).
Suspend the engine on chains or cables. By means of a waist raise the power unit (on the height, allowing to execute the subsequent operations) a little.
Unscrew a bolt of klemmovy connection of a shaft of a steering.
Unscrew bolts of fastening of an arm of a suspension bracket to the engine.
Slowly lift the power unit (to unload suspension bracket arms) and temporarily leave it in this situation.

Previously be convinced that all cables, hoses, wires, electric sockets are disconnected from the engine etc.

Remove the caps located on right podkrylka, and unscrew bolts of fastening of an arm of a suspension bracket of a transmission.
Unscrew bolts and nuts of fastening of a cross-piece.
Take out the power unit from a motor compartment, having inclined it a transmission down.
Installation of the power unit carry out as it should be, the return to removal.
After accession of a drive of a butterfly valve adjust it as it is described in the subsection "Power supply system".