The wind and back flew down
For removal of a windscreen remove the following details:
– facings of forward racks of a body;
– internal rear-view mirror;
– screen wiper levers;
– sealant and cover of a niche of the air intake;
– overlay of a windscreen.
Cut off glue by means of the adaptation 09861-31100.
In case of a reuse of glass put adjusting labels on glass and an aperture.
By means of holders of glass (suckers) remove a windscreen.
By means of a cutting torch or the adaptation 09861-31200 exactly cut off the roller of old glue till the thickness about 2 mm from a surface of gluing of glass on all perimeter of a flange of an aperture.
Do not cut off the glue roller till the thickness, it is less than specified.
Accept precautionary measures not to damage a cutting torch a paint and varnish covering of a body. At damage restore a paint and varnish layer for what put paint.
Clear a flange of an aperture of a windscreen a sponge impregnated with alcohol or means for removal of mastics and degreasing.
Establish pro-rates in a windscreen aperture.
Establish a new windscreen in an aperture and with a soft pencil put labels on glass and a body.
Establish an overlay of a windscreen, watching that between it and glass there were no gaps.
On an internal surface of glass on all perimeter of an edge paste a rubber insert for glue keeping at glass installation.
Distance from glass edge to a technological rubber insert, mm:
the top edge flew down..... 13
the lateral edge flew down..... 13
the bottom edge flew down..... 29
Apply a thin film glutinous soil for glasses on an external surface of a rubber insert.
Do not touch glass as it can worsen quality of gluing together and to become the reason of a leakage of a place of glutinous connection after windscreen installation.
Do not put on glass glutinous soil for body details.
Do not allow hit on the put glutinous sheet of water, a dust and abrasive particles.
Put glutinous soil on the bottom edge of glass.
Put hermetic on glass edges on all perimeter.
Put a glue layer not later than what through 5 mines after drawing of glutinous soil.
Apply a thin film glutinous soil for body details on left on a flange of an aperture of glass a hermetic layer. After drawing of glutinous soil establish glass not later than in five minutes after hermetic drawing.
By means of suckers establish a windscreen in an aperture, combining put earlier adjusting labels, and press glass to a hermetic layer.
Remove surplus of glue with a shpatel or erase it a gauze. Fill with glue all emptiness revealed by survey on glass perimeter.
Check tightness of a windscreen for what water it with a stream of cold water, watching to damaging too strong stream a fresh glutinous layer. Water glass so that water flew down on glass edges.
At detection of leakages dry up a place of a leakage and put in addition hermetic.
Establish earlier removed details.
Within the first hour after installation do not allow water hit on a windscreen.
Do not make trips on the car within the first four hours after windscreen installation.
In need of a trip within the first eight hours move with small speed. Do not slam with force of a door at all lifted opuskny glasses.
Do not allow impact on a body of big braiding loadings which arise at congress from a carriageway or entrance on it or during movement on rough roads.
Removal and installation of back glass are carried out similar to removal and windscreen installation, except for specified below.
For removal of a windscreen remove:
– contact socket of wires of an element of heating of back glass;
– facings of a door of a back;
– lever and screen wiper electric motor;
– additional signal of braking.
Motionless lateral glasses
Fig. 8.89. Motionless lateral glass: 1–lateral glass; 2–the slip flew down; 3– holders of glass; 4–a being self-glued tape
Motionless lateral glass is shown on
fig. 8.89
For removal of motionless lateral glass remove the following details:
– back seat;
– facing боковины;
– facing of a back rack of a body.
Remove holders of lateral glass.
Remove an overlay of lateral glass and by means of the adaptation cut off a hermetic layer.
Remove glass.
By means of a cutting torch or the special adaptation exactly cut off from a gluing surface old hermetic till thickness of a layer of 2 mm on all perimeter of glass.
Do not cut off the glue roller till the thickness less specified and try not to damage a paint and varnish covering of a body a cutting torch. At damage restore a coat layer paint drawing.
Clear a flange of an aperture of lateral glass a sponge impregnated with isopropyl alcohol.
Carefully remove pollution, including oil and a dust, from a flange of an aperture of glass.
After cleaning of a flange of an aperture wait not less than a minute before putting on a flange priming glue for body details.
Put priming glue on a flange of an aperture of lateral glass.
Before drawing of priming glue for body details carefully stir up capacity with glue for receiving a homogeneous mix.
Put on glass priming glue for glasses and an overlay of glass.
Put hermetic on all perimeter of lateral glass.
Establish lateral glass in a body aperture.
Establish glass in a body aperture not later than through 5 mines after hermetic drawing.